- バックアップ一覧
- 差分 を表示
- 現在との差分 を表示
- ソース を表示
- Installmemo/Windows へ行く。
- 1 (2007-06-21 (木) 15:38:28)
- 2 (2007-06-21 (木) 15:39:52)
- 3 (2009-12-13 (日) 09:41:31)
- 4 (2010-03-29 (月) 10:11:06)
- 5 (2010-04-02 (金) 21:28:31)
- 6 (2010-04-03 (土) 12:31:53)
- 7 (2010-04-03 (土) 23:15:06)
- 8 (2010-05-25 (火) 12:33:48)
- 9 (2010-11-19 (金) 11:25:41)
- 10 (2011-01-05 (水) 15:06:11)
- 11 (2011-01-24 (月) 15:49:03)
- 12 (2012-06-29 (金) 11:49:47)
- 13 (2012-06-29 (金) 15:05:35)
- 14 (2014-11-04 (火) 17:14:28)
- 15 (2015-05-13 (水) 14:25:41)
- 16 (2015-05-15 (金) 16:57:27)
- 17 (2016-01-11 (月) 22:15:50)
- 18 (2017-02-15 (水) 20:38:48)
- 19 (2019-07-26 (金) 17:07:42)
Windowsが起動不能に陥った場合の復旧手法 †
C:\WINDOWS> CD .. C:\> ATTRIB -H C:BOOT.INI C:\> ATTRIB -R C:BOOT.INI C:\> ATTRIB -S C:BOOT.INI C:\> DEL BOOT.INI C:\> BOOTCFG /REBUILD Scaning all disk for Windows installations. Please wait, since this may take a while... The Windows installation scan was successful. Notes: The results are stored statically for this session. If the disk configuration change during this session, in order to get an update scan, you must first reboot the machine and then rescan the disks. Totak indentified Windows installs:1
Robocopy †
"C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\robocopy.exe" /mir \ \\remote_computer\Foldar "C:\Destination_Foldar"