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 ターゲット "update" は最新のものです。
         /bin/sh postfix-install
     Warning: if you use this script to install Postfix locally, this
     script will replace existing sendmail or Postfix programs.  Make
     backups if you want to be able to recover.
     Before installing files, this script prompts you for some
     definitions.  Most definitions will be remembered, so you have to
     specify them only once. All definitions should have a reasonable
     default value.
 Please specify the prefix for installed file names. This is useful if
 you are building ready-to-install packages for distribution to other
 install_root: [/]
 Please specify a directory for scratch files while installing Postfix.
 You must have write permission in this directory.
 tempdir: [/tmp/postfix-1.1.12]
 Please specify the destination directory for installed Postfix
 configuration files.
 config_directory: [/etc/postfix] 
 Please specify the destination directory for installed Postfix daemon
 programs. This directory should not be in the command search path of
 any users.
 daemon_directory: [/usr/libexec/postfix]
 Please specify the destination directory for installed Postfix
 administrative commands. This directory should be in the command search
 path of adminstrative users.
 command_directory: [/usr/sbin] 
 Please specify the destination directory for Postfix queues.
 queue_directory: [/var/spool/postfix]
 Please specify the full destination pathname for the installed Postfix
 sendmail command. This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting
 sendmail_path: [/usr/lib/sendmail]
 Please specify the full destination pathname for the installed Postfix
 newaliases command. This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build
 alias databases for the Postfix local delivery agent.
 newaliases_path: [/usr/sbin/newaliases]
 Please specify the full destination pathname for the installed Postfix
 mailq command. This is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing
 mailq_path: [/usr/sbin/mailq]
 Please specify the owner of the Postfix queue. Specify an account with
 numerical user ID and group ID values that are not used by any other
 accounts on the system.
 mail_owner: [postfix]
 Please specify the destination directory for the Postfix on-line manual
 pages. You can no longer specify "no" here.
 manpage_directory: [/usr/local/man]
 Please specify the destination directory for the Postfix sample
 configuration files.
 sample_directory: [/etc/postfix] 
 Please specify the destination directory for the Postfix README files.
 Specify "no" if you do not want to install these files.
 readme_directory: [/]