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  • 出力先のDASDをLinuxに認識させる
    # vmcp q v dasd
    DASD 0190 3390 62CRES R/O        214 CYL ON DASD  8004 SUBCHANNEL = 000A
    DASD 0191 3390 62CW02 R/W        150 CYL ON DASD  8008 SUBCHANNEL = 0010
    DASD 019D 3390 62CRES R/O        292 CYL ON DASD  8004 SUBCHANNEL = 000B
    DASD 019E 3390 62CRES R/O        500 CYL ON DASD  8004 SUBCHANNEL = 000C
    DASD 8107 3390 VL8107 R/W       3339 CYL ON DASD  8107 SUBCHANNEL = 0011
    DASD 8400 3390 0X8400 R/W      10017 CYL ON DASD  8400 SUBCHANNEL = 000D
    DASD 8401 3390 0X8401 R/W      10017 CYL ON DASD  8401 SUBCHANNEL = 000E
    DASD 8402 3390 0X8402 R/W      10017 CYL ON DASD  8402 SUBCHANNEL = 000F
# chccwdev -e 8107
Setting device 0.0.8107 online
# lsdasd -a
Bus-ID     Status      Name      Device  Type  BlkSz  Size      Blocks
0.0.0190   offline
0.0.0191   offline
0.0.019d   offline
0.0.019e   offline
0.0.8400   active      dasda     94:0    ECKD  4096   7043MB    1803060
0.0.8401   active      dasdb     94:4    ECKD  4096   7043MB    1803060
0.0.8402   active      dasdc     94:8    ECKD  4096   7043MB    1803060
0.0.8107   n/f         dasdd     94:12   ECKD
  • ダンプ出力先のDASDをフォーマットしパーティションを作成する
    # dasdfmt -f /dev/dasdd -b 4096
    Drive Geometry: 3339 Cylinders * 15 Heads =  50085 Tracks
    I am going to format the device /dev/dasdd in the following way:
       Device number of device : 0x8107
       Labelling device        : yes
       Disk label              : VOL1
       Disk identifier         : 0X8107
       Extent start (trk no)   : 0
       Extent end (trk no)     : 50084
       Compatible Disk Layout  : yes
       Blocksize               : 4096
    --->> ATTENTION! <<---
    All data of that device will be lost.
    Type "yes" to continue, no will leave the disk untouched: yes
    Formatting the device. This may take a while (get yourself a coffee).
    Finished formatting the device.
    Rereading the partition table... ok
# fdasd -a /dev/dasdd
reading volume label ..: VOL1
reading vtoc ..........: ok

auto-creating one partition for the whole disk...
writing volume label...
writing VTOC...
rereading partition table...